OR Update – November 2263

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Mountain and Spirituality

By Hariulf OR As many of you know I have the chance to live in the beautiful Swiss Alps. It goes without saying that the mountain has always played a great role in my life. These are also these beautiful Alps who inspired me this article. I hope it will be not to confuse, I always have a lot of difficulties to translate my thoughts into words. So I hope this short article will have sense for you.

Harmonic Vibrations

By Brandon W AOR An army troop marching at full cadence, is ordered to stop marching and walk across a bridge at each soldier’s own individual gait. This is due to the fact that the “in time” stepping produces vibration and the multitude of soldiers adding to the waves of vibration could bring the bridge tumbling down.

Your Heritage, Your Birthright

By Ramona W AOR From infancy to youth, I was neck deep in Christianity, as devout as any, lost in love and appreciation for an Almighty Creator I had been taught to fear and respect. Throughout my upbringing, I constantly encountered situations and teachings involving my faith that raised numerous questions for me that never were answered to my satisfaction. Hence, my faith weakened. But I blindly followed, as I was taught to do.

Orlog and Proactivity

By Gungnir Hama AOR The modern, contemporary Odinist strives continually for advancement in a fighting spirit that resides in his or her proactive essence. Proactivity is healthy orlog, individually and collectively, that will help lead to…

Defending the Archetype

A Great Moot talk by Eowyn OR Many understand an archetype to be a model of a person, personality, or behaviour- a prototype or idealised form- which is then copied in some way, either via its appearance, patterns or behaviours. It is also understood as a stereotype that is observed multiple times, such as in our perception of the hero or the “puella” (eternal girl) image that is foisted upon girls and women today. Some folk understand the gods from these perspectives: thus Odin may be perceived as the image of a figure wearing a blue cloak, wide-brimmed hat and having one eye being followed by two wolves and two ravens. The problem with this “psychologised” understanding of an archetype is that it is a flat, lifeless pattern resembling a cookie cutter that is superimposed onto something that is a living entity: the map is not the territory.

Hail the Heathen Hammer

By Anders B. AOR It were at last year’s G.M, that Blutgeist OR gave a talk and meditation on the hammer and what it means to us that bit deep into me, to the point that I had this overwhelming feeling to make a hammer to be of a high enough standard to represent our faith.

The River of Our Life

By Rory H. AOR I read a while ago a quote about the Odinic Rite being as a rock in a rapidly flowing river, resisting those forces which are constantly trying to wash it away and lose our holy faith forever. I agree totally with this thought but I consider that there is more to this statement than initially meets the eye.

Our Personal Energy

By Hariulf OR “… Everything is Energy…” I must admit that it's something which I had never really thought of but it really struck me when I read it for the first time. Maybe that does not seem to be a big secret or a great truth, but I think that it is something very important to consider if we want to advance both spiritually and physically.

Forward As One – Personal And Unified Advancement Within The Odinic Rite

By Redwald AOR
As a religious movement that is not seen as mainstream yet, it should be viewed necessary to cast an occasional critical eye on ourselves – our attitude, our achievements and our ability to mobilise folk and resources to our best advantage.


By James W AOR The path for most of us, takes us on very different routes and sometimes it is not the easiest route to take. As a matter of fact it is usually full of many speed bumps for all of us. Sometimes the Norns weave a web for us that tests our spirits, our hearts and our commitment to the Gods and Goddesses which will push us to find our own ways. Steadfastness, the ability to stay focused and a good dose of stubbornness is needed in every Odinist that is working to further the awakening of the folk spirit.

About Industriousness

As OR members, we are expected to live our lives according to the Nine Noble Virtues. Of course, this is not an easy task and it’s even very difficult at times. But we all join the OR by our free will and it’s by our free will that we have accepted to work to promote the OR and Odinism. It’s by our free will that we accept to strive to live by the NNV. Nobody forces us; it’s our own choice. Among the NNV, there is one that I find very important if we want to see our Sacred Faith advance: INDUSTRIOUSNESS