Tag Archive for: norns

Feast of the Disir

The Disir are the ancestral mothers, the first of each of our ancestral line. There are around 400 votive altars raised all over Europe dedicated to ancestral mothers. Freya is considered the 'Queen of the Disir' due to her fertility and magical qualities, but Frigga could very well fill this role.

A Time for Remembering

EVERGREENS decorate the home at this time of year. The Victorians used just about everything that was available: rosemary, bay laurel, holly, box, yew, and mistletoe, even bilberry. When all outside is brown and dead they are manifestations of the abiding life within the plant world.

The Nine Noble Virtues and Charges of the Odinic Rite

The 9 Noble Virtues The moral code of the Odinic Rite was codified from The Hávamál and The Sigrdrífomál (poems from the Elder Edda) in the early 1970's.


By Raudskeggr AOR Every spiritual culture has a Creation myth. The reason for the Creation myth is based upon the establishment of one's identity. As Odinists, Creation is central to establishing our Identity and under­standing the beliefs and practices which stem from our ancestral lore.