Tag Archive for: odinism

Positive Resistance as Heathen Virtue

Within a sound morality and in recognition of the lifestruggle is the virtue of resistance: resistance to degeneracy, to vice, to atheism, to monotheism, to universalism, unsoundness, stagnancy, ad infinitum.

Odinism and Philosophy

By Vidar AOR Modern Odinism often lacks an in depth philosophical worldview, through no fault of our own of course, since our renewed faith hibernated for so many centuries. Searching for wisdom and truth, it is imperative that we learn the traditional branches of philosophy, make comparative studies where possible and work towards not only a stronger New Awakening, but a New Enlightenment as well. When it comes to heathen truth what is our true metaphysics? Ontology? Epistemology? Ethics? Metaethics? Logic? Aesthetics? Existentialism? And since ours is an indigenous organic faith, we can have, (once again), both science and spirituality.

Criticism or Endorsement of the OR Way?

By Heimgest CG This has been a very good year for the Rite on many levels. There have been too many initiatives and activities conducted this year to list them all here, suffice to say we have advanced in many areas.

Idun Project expands in SE England

Members of the OR met up on Sunday 22nd August to help Hengest clear his new allotment and ready the plot for propagation. If you've never rented an allotment before, then you have no idea how much blood sweat and tears it takes to knock an overgrown and neglected plot into shape. My blistered hands and aching body are witness to how much work we did.

Odinism – An Eternal Faith

Odinic Rite Media presents 'Odinism - An Eternal Faith'. This short film explores Odinism in the modern world, as practiced by members of the OR. 'Odinism - An Eternal Faith' has been produced in house by members of the OR, including the…

Odinic Ritual: The purpose and need for Dance

During this summer’s Odinic Rite Folk Camp, I gave a talk and demonstrated a ritual dance, which was composed from Morris dancing steps of the Cotswold tradition. You can watch a video of this dance at the end of the article. The reason I decided to perform this dance at the Folk Camp was because I wanted to show those who had not considered it before, that ritual dance has great potential for Odinism in the Modern World.

Traces of the Odinic in the “God” of Beowulf

An excellent article by Jim S. AOR on teaching children about our faith, heritage and history through the traces that can be found within our lore.

Folk Spirit – From Idea to Reality

What started as an idea, an imaginative spark, has now become reality. The first OR Media music project, indeed the whole concept for OR Media itself, came from the raw beginnings of a simple concept - to promote the Odinic Rite and Odinism through the medium of music, and to form a collection of folk songs which would power a new generation of forward-thinking Odinists.

Thor & Sif

Few of our divinities have been as much maligned by mythological compilers as Thor. There is no doubt that in the elder days he was an extremely popular god, one who was considered to be the patron of the people, a ready champion in times of trouble.


Like Odin himself, the mother of people bears many names - Ostara, Frigg, Freya, Hulda, Mother Cary, Frau Holle, Tara and many more. She is the most well-loved of our divinities. So well loved that even the malice of the Christian usurpers could not force the people to turn from her.

Giants and the reliability of received mythology (from the Eddas, Snorri and Saxo)

There appear to be two main classifications of deity grouped together under the term "giant": great creative spirits, and the powerful guardians of certain localities - mountains and rivers, for instance.

The Odinic Pantheon – Preliminary ideas and a statement of purpose

In its resurgence over the past century Odinism has sometimes lacked credibility due to a tendency on the part of its adherents to refer to our deities in what can best be described as a literary fashion.