Tag Archive for: runic

Rune Song

By Kris N AOR Fehu is wealth in family Uruz, primal energy And Thrizaz is the strength within thee Ansuz breathes Odin’s words

Runic Name Analysis: Living up to your name

by Shawn E AOR I have found that using the runes to analyze and interpret various aspect of people's names is an interesting exercise in growing in personal runic understanding. It has also been rather fruitful in helping others see themselves in a new light.

Giants and the reliability of received mythology (from the Eddas, Snorri and Saxo)

There appear to be two main classifications of deity grouped together under the term "giant": great creative spirits, and the powerful guardians of certain localities - mountains and rivers, for instance.

Odinism and Christianity

I do not accept that the Edda of Snorri Sturluson is a true reflection of our faith and religion. As a member of the family of clans of Northern Europe, he was in possession of the truth of our faith, but he chose to dishonour himself by distorting that truth and betraying our Gods and his own kindred.