Tag Archive for: white horse stone

Handfasting of Hengest OR and Fran

By Sigbert OR Hengest, Fran and family have not only become trusted comrades to me over the last 10 years or so that I have been in the Rite, but close friends that I have grown to love. So After seeing on the OR Members Forum a few months before that Hengest and Fran had decided to "renew" the wedding vows that they had sworn twenty years previously by becoming handfasted, I made sure that I would be there

Loki’s Matrix of Illusion Part 1: Playing the discordant HAARP

Modern life as we know is oriented around the use of electromagnetic energies: we are constantly bombarded by electromagnetic radiation from televisions, radios, phones, pylons, high voltage cables, modes of transport, computers and the myriad of household appliances we use. Any metallic objects surrounding us act as receivers and dissipaters of these disorientating energy waves, which can alter the very polarities of our physical bodies and upset its homeostatic balance.

GWHS – Second Cleanup 19 March 2005

Second Cleanup 19 March 2005 The second meeting of the Guardians of the WHS took place on 19th March. After gathering at a pub car park, we all made our way up to the site itself armed with wheelbarrows, bin bags, gloves and grabbers for…